Thursday, August 16, 2007


Mother say she will recover my internet connection after a few days.Yes!!!Finally,i will never need to go to the damn internet cafe or lan.

Monday, August 13, 2007



人間を捕食する“妖魔”がのさばる時代、妖魔を倒すべく「組織」の手によって生み出された半人半妖の戦士“クレイモア”の一人・クレアを主人公に、彼女の戦いや生き様を描いた作品。この『CLAYMORE』が、4月より日本テレビ系でアニメーション化決定!実力派キャストが顔を揃え、アニメーション制作は『NANA』『DEATH NOTE』などのマッドハウスが担当。極限状態での勇気とは何か、愛とは何か?――見る人の胸に問いかける傑作が、今ここに誕生する。人間を捕食する妖魔が巣食う世界。妖魔に対抗すべく、人間は妖魔の血肉をその身体に取り入れた半人半妖の女性戦士を生み出した。銀色の瞳と巨大な剣を持つ彼女たちは、その大剣の名から“クレイモア”と呼ばれる。“クレイモア”の一人であるクレアは、かつて少女の頃、テレサと名乗る最強のクレイモアと出会う。クレアを救うため、クレイモアの鉄の掟を破り、人間を殺めてしまうテレサ。掟を破ったテレサは、討伐隊に追われる身となる。そして、妖力の暴走を止められずに「覚醒者」となった討伐隊の一員・プリシラの強大な力の前に、テレサは破れ、殺されてしまう・・・。テレサの敵を討つため、クレアはテレサの血肉を受け継ぎ、自らクレイモアとなる道を選ぶ。クレアの闘いは、ここから始まるのだった・・・。
I'm tired to translate it into english!


I spent too much time on my PSP and of course, it changed me and brings me a lot of fun when it walk into my life last year. Until today, it has already with me about one year and seems that it has become a part of my spirit just like my Parents and Sauce. Maybe I'm just got addicted to it. Many of the Singaporeans think their hand phone is a part of them especially youngsters, they even cannot live without it.
Yup, my PSP has some problem now and I cannot afford a new one as I just changed my old one into this new PSP, but now, it spoilt. I think it is the punishment for me as I too concern about it and cannot concentrate on study, examination is around the corner, I really need to start working and make sure I can transfer to a better school for rest of my secondary life.


Alright,I'm in shortage of money now! Only 10 dollars in my pocket and all of them were coins! Well, I'm dead now, 10 dollars for 2 days ooohhhh!!! How!!!


My blog has deleted!!!!!!!! All things lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sigh, but never mind, sometime start anew is not bad, maybe I will have some new experience!!